Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Bonfire member registration is now open!!!

Bonfire member registration is on now open and the following are the requirements...
  1. A valid L.C or school letter.
  2. Photocopy of your valid National I.D or passport.
  3. 50.000 shillings only per year
  4. 2 pass port size photos.
 you will be provided with a registration form and a valid I.d as a Bonfire member when you have paid up your membership with all the necessary requirements.

Kindly call 0757842117/0793292009 or email or for any inquiries.

Mo fire Bonfire yes ...

Life is a

Life is an opportunity,
seize the day, live each day to the fullest.
Life is not a project,
but a journey to be enjoyed.

Life is a gift, accept it,
enjoy it, and be happy with it.
Life is a challenge,
but challenges can always be overcome.

Life is to be lived,
not to be dreamed.
Life is a wonder,
if you sit back and be thankful.

Life is a decision each of us makes,
to be happy or sad.
Life is a time
for new beginnings and endings.

Life is a balance,
take time for play not just work.
Life is a joy
for those who are optimistic.

Life is a bundle of possibilities
if you just look for them.
Life is a meant to do,
not to regret.
Life is no bed of roses
but life is what you make it. 

by Catherine Pulsifer, ©2012